Clinical trial endpoints
Course Summary
In clinical trials, endpoints are measurements to evaluate the results of a new treatment, at an individual patient level. The study data can be extrapolated to patient populations on the basis of clinical similarities to patients participating in the trial. When clinical trial data have been obtained, focus is on the trial endpoints; more specifically, the focus is on whether the trial met or failed the primary endpoint specified before the trial started. The purpose and various types of endpoints are discussed in this short course.

Purchasing Information
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It is therefore essential that you use your real email address for your order, or indicate in the purchase notes the email address to be used for the course set-up, and check that any messages from Zenosis or grapl are not lost in your junk or spam folder.
You will have access to the course module(s) for a period of 180 days after your purchase is complete.
Detailed Course Information
• Define clinical endpoints
• Describe the main categories of endpoints
• Identify the differences between primary and secondary endpoints
• Outline the importance of clinical relevance
This module is intended for all those involved in the preparation, design, conduct or analysis of clinical trials. It will be useful to new entrants to the field or as a refresher for staff, including clinical research associates and data managers, in the clinical/medical departments of pharmaceutical or biotechnology companies or in contract research organisations. It will also be of interest to clinical investigators, study coordinators, and other healthcare staff working on clinical trials.